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Where to stay in Shenzhen

More About Shenzhen

“The city that lives in the future”

Shenzhen ([ʂə́n.ʈʂə̂n] ( listen)) is a major city in Guangdong Province, China, which forms part of the Pearl River Delta megalopolis north of Hong Kong. It holds sub-provincial administrative status, with powers slightly less than a province. Shenzhen, which roughly follows the administrative boundaries of Bao'an County, was made a city in 1979, and was named after the former county town, whose train station was the last stop on the Mainland Chinese section of the Kowloon–Canton Railway. In 1980 Shenzhen was designated China's first Special Economic Zone. Shenzhen's registered population in 2017 is estimated to be at 12,905,000. However, officials estimate that the population of Shenzhen is about 20 million due to the large unregistered floating migrant population living in the city. Shenzhen was one of the fastest-growing cities in the world in the 1990s and the 2000s.Shenzhen's cityscape is the result of its vibrant economy made possible by rapid foreign investment since the institution of the policy of "reform and opening" in 1979. The city is a leading global technology hub, dubbed the next Silicon Valley.Shenzhen is home to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as the headquarters of numerous multinational companies such as JXD, Vanke, Hytera, CIMC, Shenzhen Airlines, Nepstar, Hasee, Ping An Bank, Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Tencent, ZTE, Huawei and BYD. Shenzhen ranks 22nd in the 2017 Global Financial Centres Index. It also has one of the busiest container ports in the world.
timezone Time UTC+08
currency Currency CNY
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages Chinese, Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan, Hakka , minority languages

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