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Where to stay in Kuah

More About Kuah

Pekan Kuah is a town, mukim and district capital of Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. It is the entry point for those coming by ferry from either the mainland or Penang Island. The town is centered on its jetty, which brings in flocks of tourists each year who come to enjoy the shopping and other attractions of Langkawi. Over the years, Pekan Kuah has developed into a modern and vibrant town with many shopping and dining opportunities, helped by the astounding growth of visitors to Langkawi. The name ‘Pekan Kuah’ comes from the Malay word for gravy, and legend has it that the town arose from a cup of gravy spilled on the land by two giants, Mat Raya and Mat Cincang (now the names of the two highest mountains in Langkawi), while they were fighting. Pekan Kuah has a wide range of hotels but no resorts, as the town has no proper beach despite being located by the sea. Also, the nightlife in Kuah consists mostly of eating out in seafood restaurants, though there are a few bars and pubs located in some of the hotels. Still, Pekan Kuah boasts many facilities and attractions, making it a convenient and attractive place to stay despite the lack of beach and night spots. Today, Pekan Kuah is booming as a commercial center with shopping complexes, restaurants, fast food outlets, hotels and handicraft shops.
timezone Time UTC+08
currency Currency MYR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Bahasa Melayu, English, Chinese , Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai

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