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Where to stay in Jaipur

More About Jaipur

“A pink city of gorgeous and serene vibe”

Jaipur ( ( listen)) is the capital and the largest city of the Indian state of Rajasthan in Northern India. It was founded on 18 November 1727 by Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amer, and after whom the city is named. As of 2011, the city had a population of 3.1 million, making it the tenth most populous city in the country. Jaipur is also known as the Pink City, due to the dominant color scheme of its buildings. It is located 280 km (174 miles) from the Indian capital New Delhi. Jaipur is a popular tourist destination in India and forms a part of the west Golden Triangle tourist circuit along with Delhi and Agra (240 km, 149 mi). It also serves as a gateway to other tourist destinations in Rajasthan such as Jodhpur (348 km, 216 mi), Jaisalmer (571 km, 355 mi) Udaipur (421 km, 262 mi) and Mount Abu (520 km, 323 mi). Jaipur is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Jantar Mantar and the Amer Fort.
timezone Time UTC+06
currency Currency INR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Hindi, English, Bengali, Gujarati, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu

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